A dog comes into your home - thought of everything?
People who want to get a dog should think well about it beforehand. After all, a dog is a being with personality and no piece of furniture which can be sorted out once you do not like it any more.
Anyone who is seriously interested will have a lot of questions. And not all of them will be answered to the satisfaction of all people involved. But let us start at the very beginning. First of all, there is the question whether any dog ownership is possible. If landlord does not allow dog ownership, a tenant cannot disregard this so that this wish can often not be fulfilled. There are many other questions you should ask yourself if your wish for a dog is serious. For the sake of simplicity you will find a list below:
Can you afford a dog? A dog needs food. A Vet. You must pay tax and an insurance fee.
Have you got time for a dog? It must be walked, educated, socialised. If you get a puppy, you must possibly be able to look after this dog for many years.
Are you healthy enough for a dog? Do you or any family members suffer from allergies to dogs? “Trying it out” would be the worst case for all the persons affected.
Have you got enough space for a dog? You have a one and a half room flat and are dreaming of a Mastiff? That sounds rather suboptimal…
Can you physically afford a dog? You are rather weak and often ill and would like to have a big dog that might pull you across the street when he feels like it?
Would you like to have a puppy or can it also be a senior dog? If you wish to have a cute, cuddly puppy, you must not be disturbed if he has not yet learned where to do his business. You must neither be disturbed if Fiffi chews your socks and shoes and sometimes takes your furnishings apart from time to time.
Do your children know that this little, fluffy ball of wool may become ten times bigger?
Shall it be a male or female dog? Castration is for both. The owner will also appreciate it if a male dog does not mark everywhere and female dogs attract all the males in the neighbourhood.
Shall it be a pedigree dog from a breeder or would a mongrel from the animal’s home also do?
Shall it be rather big or small?
If you can find a good answer to all the questions and thought well about having a dog, then you can take your wish for a dog seriously and get one. We from Kleinmetall already look forward to counting you soon among our customers as responsible dog owner …